This high-tech device, recommaned to distributors and after sale service centers, is necessary to set up and to download the data memory of POWER-SWITCH, MGX and EFFICIENT DATA MEMORY battery chargers.
The kit includes the programmer, cables to connect it to the charger and to the PC. The SW to be installed on your PC is also supplied.
The normal operation is guaranteed by the internal lithium battery, thus no other power source is necessary. The battery is completely recharged by leaving the programmer connected to the USB port of your PC.
The equipped SW can be up-dated though internet and it can be set in different languages: I, D, E, F, UK, NL.
- General information connected to the collected data (date, customer name, battery-type, capacity and so on).
- Information about the charger setting
- Chargers serial numbers, where information were downloaded from.
- Counters referred to the whole battery life:
Counter 1: total number of charge cycles
Counter 2: indicates how many times the batteries have been discharged to the lowest possible level (it is useful only if the charger is on-board)
Counter 3: how many times the battery is simultaneously charged and discharged. Important information because such kind of use damages the battery
Counter 4, 5, 6 e 7: all the charge cycles automatically completed split into 4 groups in relation to their duration.
Counter 8: how many times the user interrupted the charge cycle before the automatic stop - Detailed information over the last month of charge cycles:
– Battery voltage and output current of the charger at the beginning of the charge
– Battery voltage and output current of the charger at the end of the charge
– Ah supplied to the battery during the charging process
– Anomalies happened during the charging process
– Stop conditions